Our languages


All types of languages can be translated by The WORDS of SPORTS.

Translations are performed from English into another language or directly from one foreign language into another (German/Spanish, French/Danish, Chinese/Italian, etc.).

The WORDS of SPORT undertakes to provide you with the best translations by assigning your documents to its translators on the basis of their linguistic combinations and areas of specialisation. Our translators systematically translate into their first language, and are therefore more accurate and efficient with regard to the translation of your original documents.



From 24 hours to a few days

5000 pages in 10 days, as well as 100,000 words in 5 days

Translate press releases within 24 hours

We adapt to your constraints as much as possible.



Your translations are formatted using word processing or CAP programs (X-Press, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.). As such, your translated document will be identical with your original document.

In practice


Using the Contact section, you obtain an estimate after sending us the documents to be translated.
For interpreting, you provide us with a description of your project’s main elements using the relevant form provided in the same Contact section.

Upon receiving your request, a Project Manager will contact you and provide an estimate that corresponds with your request. This project manager will be your dedicated contact and will monitor your file through to the final delivery.